• Dad believes in me.
  • My Dad loves me.
  • My Dad reads to me everyday.
  • Dad prays with me everyday.
  • My Dad helps me with school work.
  • My Dad drives me places.
  • My Dad is a graphic designer.
  • My Dad is a writer and has written a book and lots of articles.
  • My Dad has six websites!
  • Dad helps with housework and looking after the babies.
  • Dad can fix and repair things. He is very clever with fixing things!
  • Dad bought me an RC car and when I broke it, he fixed it.
  • Dad can build model aeroplanes.
  • Dad looks after me and my family very well – he is always there for me and my siblings.
  • Dad makes me laugh… he can be very funny.
  • Dad teaches me to appreciate things.
  • Dad shows me what love looks like by being very kind with my Mum and Gran.
  • Dad accepts and forgives my mistakes.
  • Dad gives money to the poor.
  • Dad wears cool clothes (sometimes).
  • My Dad has a beard.
  • Dad is not selfish.
  • Dogs love my Dad. My dog, Jasmine, loves him very much.
  • Dad is strong.
  • Dad loves Tesla electric cars – his dream is to have one.
  • My Dad is very kind to people.
  • Dad wants a big space to build a go-kart for me.
  • Dad’s favourite food is potato chips.
  • Dad likes cool tools, like his laser cutting machine which he uses to make cool stuff from different materials.
  • My Dad has visited 22 countries and has been 16 times to Africa!
  • Dad has been as missionary.
  • Dad can repair cars.
  • Dad goes bike riding with me.
  • Dad has his own YouTube channel.